The Blob Tree
The Blob Tree via Pip Wilson and Ian Long
Welcome to the BLOB TREE! This is a self-reflection tool that allows you to acknowledge and articulate your feelings about where you’ve been, where you are now and where you hope to be in the future. This is a great tool to use as your Spring Semester and/or Quarter 3 begins.
Take a look at the Blobs on the tree. Consider:
Which Blob represents how you felt about school at the beginning of the school year or on the first day of school? Why does this Blob resonate with you or show how you were feeling?
Which Blob represents how you feel about school now or today? Why does this Blob resonate with you or show how you are feeling? Do you only feel like this Blob at school? Is there another Blob that represents how you feel outside of school?
Which Blob represents your goal or ultimate Blob – the Blob you hope to feel like at the end of the school year? Why does this Blob resonate with you or show how you are feeling? Which other Blobs might you feel like on your way to that goal Blob? Why? How will this feel?
It may be helpful to talk through your responses aloud with a parent, friend, mentor or coach. You can also write them down in a journal so that you can look back and repeat the activity later to see how your thoughts and feelings have changed and/or stayed the same.
Coaches are here to help you process and talk through your goals for this school year and beyond – take a look at the rest of our website to learn more and use the contact form to set up a free discovery call!