Three Out-of-the-Box Study Tips to Implement Today
Whether studying for an upcoming test or staying on top of reading; here are 3 strategies that students can take from inside to outside the classroom to make studying more engaging and efficient.
Pre-testing is a tool that teachers use to increase student retention and memorization. Before your next test or quiz, use a pre-test to narrow down which concepts to focus your study time on. Less things on your list to study = less overwhelm! Find pre-tests in textbooks, on Quizlet, or by asking your teacher.
Think Out Loud
Paraphrase, reflect and summarize -- out loud! Record yourself reading your textbook chapter or your notes out loud and summarizing what you learned in your own words. Consuming the information in multiple ways will help you connect with and retain the material.
Get into a Routine
Create a homework routine that mimics your school day routine! While you might not have homework for each of your classes, carve out space each day after school to check in with each class. Don’t just don’t focus on what’s due tomorrow. Taking a few minutes to preview upcoming assignments or topics will go a long way in preparing you for your next class.
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