Countdown to Spring Break

With Spring Break right around the corner, don’t let the prospect of sun and sleep cause you to lose track of school work! Whether you are traveling for spring break or just staying at home to catch up on some much needed rest, here are a few things you can do before and during spring break to help make your return to school a bit more manageable:


  • Think ahead: Preview what assignments and tests you have when you return from spring break

  • Be Proactive: Enter all of those assignments into your calendar/homework planner and set reminders

  • Get Organized: Take a few minutes to clean out your locker/desk/dorm, so you come back to a clean and organized workspace 


  • Play catch-up! Use this time to catch up on missing/late assignments. Make a list and then use your calendar to plan when you are going to work on them

  • Get a head start: are there any bigger assignments, papers, projects that you can start working on? Carve out a few minutes to just brainstorm- it will help making getting started easier. 

  • Have AP/IB exams? Use this time to make a study plan and start studying! 

Does your student need help with time management, organization, or staying on task? Our coaches are here to help! Visit our services page to learn more about one-on-one coaching as well as our Spring classes, including AP Exam Study Skills.