"CLAP" to Keep your Routine Through Winter Break


Holiday breaks are about relaxation, spending quality time with family, eating good food, and catching up on much needed rest.  Sleeping in on that first day off from school or work feels amazing.  Staying up late knowing you don’t have to be somewhere in the morning feels freeing.  By day 4, we have gotten into a nice relaxing groove of late nights, late mornings, and all day pajamas- great right!?  In the moment, absolutely!  But what happens to those habits on January 2nd when we go back to school or work?  

Remember the acronym CLAP to help keep a healthy routine over a long break:

  • Consistent Sleep Habits- It’s okay to go to sleep and wake up a little later, but be mindful of those times.  A few days before you head back to work begin shifting your bedtime and wake up times back to your regular schedule in 30 minute increments. 

  • Limits and Boundaries- If your child plans to play Minecraft all day but you had other ideas, sit down together to talk this through.  Set time limits and blockers on the computer or set an alarm for when they need to start getting ready for family dinner.   

  • Advanced Planning- Use your first day of break to write down everything you need or want to get done.  Use your calendar to write down your non-negotiables (family/friend meals, events, travel, appointments, etc).  

  • Productivity List- From your planning list, make a smaller checklist each night of what you want to get done the next day.  This could be something as small as emptying the dishwasher or as big as taking down holiday decorations.  Try to cross your tasks off first thing in the morning so you have the rest of the day free.