Summer 2021
Hard to believe that over a year has passed since quarantine began. So much of our lives have changed since then: having to stay home, limiting all social contact, the way we shop, go to school, work, eat, play, etc. While many schools (and jobs) have transitioned back to in-person, or working their way towards that, life still isn’t “completely normal” yet.
Regardless of whether you are working in a virtual, hybrid, or in-person school environment, we can all agree that finding a system to stay organized is vital to navigate our new normal.
As we approach the end of this unique school year, we have summer to think about next! Hopefully for you that means some much needed relaxation and rest, but this is also a great time to KEEP working on developing and improving your executive functional skills - without the added pressure of all their schoolwork, activities, sports, etc.
Over the summer we offer both our Summer Programs, Virtual Summer Camps, and 1-1 coaching services to support our students and clients of all ages. You can access the full list of Summer Programs here. Highlighted below are a few of our more popular student programs: :
Do you Want to Build a Business: Students will learn tools and strategies to assist with goal setting, organization, time management, breaking tasks into chunks, interview and presentation skills, and self-advocacy skills. Students will also learn how to improve their metacognition: the ability to zoom out and evaluate their progress on a project, which can be a challenge for many students. Along the way, students will likely hit roadblocks, but the program provides supports to help them find new strategies and approaches to push through these obstacles and continue towards their goal. All of the tools that they will be given and the strategies they will be taught, can be utilized for academic work and beyond!
General Executive Function Skills: This program is designed to help students improve their executive function skills and learn to utilize a variety of tools and systems to help them find success academically and beyond.
Putting Your Thoughts on Paper: Students will learn tools and strategies to assist with writing papers for school, college, and beyond. Objectives include: Creating an outline, Writing a thesis statement, Completing research, Obtaining quotes, Making your writing PLAN, Executing your PLAN, Formatting your paper, Editing your paper, Strategies for creative and personal writing, For Rising Seniors: Completing College Essays.
We also have a variety of Virtual Summer Camps that we are continuing to offer this year, including:
Social Media Marketing Manager
Book Club
Comic Book Creator
Binge (on the screen) and Blog
Phone Photo Challenge
.. and many more!
Summer is a great time to relax, but it can also be a fun way to “practice these skills” without it having to feel like real work!
Maybe one of these programs isn’t exactly your thing? Feel free to reach out to us to schedule a free 1-1 consultation, and we’d be happy to discuss more of a customizable plan and approach for your goals! Email us directly at, or at our website: