Impulsive Texting
Let’s face it, impulse control is hard. You see a pair of shoes you like and immediately press buy. You receive an email and without thinking press reply with the first thought that comes to your head. You remember the name of a movie and quickly text your coach. While these acts sound innocent and straightforward, impulsive behaviors like these can come with consequences. Here are some tips to help you think before you press that send button.
Write it down. Instead of being on autopilot and immediately texting, write it down. It’s okay to text at 3pm, but not at 3am.
Set your own boundaries. Know what tends to make you react quickly and set up strategies to counteract this, like flicking a rubber band on your wrist or tracing your hand.
Proofread. Before you send that email, reread what you wrote. Most first drafts carry a lot of emotion.
Take a second and breathe. Practicing mindfulness helps slow down that immediate reaction and gives you a chance to think “do I really need that?”