Summer Steady
Summertime is quickly approaching- you can feel it in the weather, and probably in your student’s decreasing motivation. In addition to your focus on Quarter 4 grades and Final Exams, now is the ideal time to determine how you will engage your student’s brain beyond the last day of school. While summer is a great time to “turn off” after an arduous school year, it is also the perfect time to prepare for the year ahead. Over the 8-10 weeks of summer, consider these themes while developing the perfectly balanced calendar for your student:
Encourage your student to participate in outdoor activities. Provide time to practice their favorite sport or even have a catch outside with a friend- maybe, even plan a new adventure. Summer sun is the perfect medicine after ten months in the classroom.
2. Rest
Remember, students need a brain break and a relaxing moment away from the routines of school. Encourage them to sleep-in, sometimes, and to foster moments for self-care, reflection and recuperation. Consider challenging your student to take on a new hobby that will help them ease their mind such as drawing, reading, or writing.
3. Prepare
Enroll your student in programs that will allow them to practice their content knowledge and skills throughout the summer months. It is imperative for their working memory that they continue to apply what they’ve learned previously so they feel confident and ready come September. Summertime is ideal for engaging with these skills in a non-academic setting.