Setting Realistic Tech Expectations at Home
Chromebooks, tablets, Kindles, phones, laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, Alexas… technology is everywhere in our homes! If we depend on technology so much in our daily lives, how can we help our students with healthy technology use? Set realistic expectations! Here are 4 words to keep in mind:
Model- Practice what you preach! Allow yourself to disconnect with texts or emails and connect with your child. Start by putting your phone in a different room during dinner and spend at least 15minutes talking with your child technology free.
Moderate- Instead of taking your child’s phone or gaming system away, create rules together about when and how long they can be on their phone or play their game. Have a conversation so your child feels part of the process and increase their buy-in.
Monitor- Overposting, overusing, and oversharing are ways to describe social media right now. Be aware of what your child is doing or watching on the internet, their phones, and even their gaming consoles. Use apps to set limitations for certain sites or time on apps.
Make Meaning- Much of their homework is on the computer, so help your child make sense of when they need the electronic and when it can be turned off. If your child says they just need their phone during homework, ask why. Don’t immediately shut them down, allow this to be a time you learn and they share.
Whatever rules or expectations you set at home, make sure to have a conversation with your child about technology, ask their opinion, and then compromise to be in agreement. This teaches them skills and helps them learn to set rules for themselves.