Rebounding From A Slow Start

Not everyone is the type of person that “hits the ground running” and this can especially be true for those of us who identify as neurodiverse.  If you are feeling like you could use a refresh to your routine, here are four different strategies that can help you rebound from a slow start to the school year:

  1. Re-evaluate your routine: take some time to sit down and really think about what works best for your learning style and daily commitments.  Just don’t just reflect on your barriers, but also spend some time thinking through your strengths and how those can be incorporated into a revamped routine. 

  2. Focus on the present: break up your long term goals and focus on just the immediate next step.  The same way techniques we use to  break down assignments for school can be used to help make our goals feel more manageable and achievable.  

  3. Ask for support: sometimes a new perspective, tool or strategy can be the thing we need to help get us back on track. 

  4. Create space: not just the physical space to get your work done, but also think about carving out some time each week to make a plan, reflect on the week and make adjustments going forward- you got this!