Calling all college students – Winter break isn’t just for catching up on sleep (Although, of course, it is very much needed). In between catching up with family, friends and those precious ZZZ’s, winter break can also serve as an opportunity to think through and reflect on your academic accommodations from the previous semester. Use the following questions to help you reassess your accommodations and ensure that you are on track:
Are you utilizing all of your accommodations for every class?
How do your current time management, planning and organization systems interact with your accommodations?
Do you need support self-advocating and communicating with professors about your accommodations?
Are you using your accommodations, but still rushed for time?
Do you feel that you understand your school’s accommodation policies and know who to reach out to for support in ensuring your accommodations are implemented appropriately?
Do you need to provide updated documentation to disability supports?
Even if it’s not required by your college or university, it could be beneficial to schedule a meeting with your disability advisor to discuss any necessary accommodation changes or updates.
So, students – get those ZZZ’s and see those friends, but staying connected will ultimately help you start spring semester off strong!